Essay Writing Worksheets

When authors write a lengthened body of work that brings forth a suggestion or hypothesis this is referred to as an essay. This is a formal writing piece that centers around a single subject or topic. When you create an essay, the focus is on finding all the facts and expressing them to support your assertion with quantifiable evidence. Essays follow a fixed pattern like many other works. They begin with an introduction that is aimed at bringing the argument up to the reader and provide a little background information. The body of an essay explores all the evidence and attempts the reader to persuade the reader to accept the authors viewpoint. This middle section can be brief or very extensive it depends on the topic and how much evidence that we must use with it. Essays end with summarized conclusion which is the authors last effort to convince readers to recognize their argument as fact. In this series of worksheets, you will look at the qualities that make a well-designed essay. This will help students get a good handle on how to prepare high quality essays.