Provide The Evidence – Do you prefer to shower in the morning or before bed?
Link the Sentence Together – Draw a series of lines to help the sentences make sense.
Bees and Lakes and Lights – Which phrase best completes the sentences?
Camping – I'm not a big fan of outdoor living.
Cupcakes and Rainbows – Pop together the groups of sentences.
Winter Time – This is a bit of a cold one...
Write Me – Time to work on transition phrases.
Get The Grip – Pick the phrase that makes the most sense.
Get Crafty – Read the selections carefully, and choose the appropriate transition word or phrase from the box below to fill in the blanks and complete the selection.
And Then... – Choose 5 transition words or phrases from the box below and write a sentence using each as a transition.
And Then... Again – More of the same here.
Is There Life Out There? – I sure think there is somewhere.
Link it Up – This set is a bit more difficult.
Line It Up Lightbulb – Draw a line to put the three parts of each sentence together.
Sandwiches and Science Fairs – Circle the appropriate transition word or phrase to complete each sentence or group of sentences.
Small Town Charm – Carrie Johnson lives in Houghton, which is a very small town.
Transitions – We use an expanded vocabulary here.