Subject-Verb and Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement Worksheets

Related ELA Standard: L.3.1.F

Core Standard

In order for a sentence to be grammatically correct the subject and verb must agree in the case of number and quantity. This means if one is plural, they must both be plural. Vice versa, if one is singular, they must all be singular. Likewise, pronouns must agree in number with the antecedents of the sentence. A pronoun takes the place of a noun and often makes it more descriptive, such as identifying a gender. The antecedents usually appear before the pronoun. These worksheets will help students make sure they can swing the agreements in sentences. The goal here is to make sure that you first understand the mechanics behind this and then you apply it to your own writing. The goal is to find a parallel with the subject-verb and the pronoun-antecedents. This is a vital component of well written pieces.









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