3rd Grade Vocabulary Worksheets

Related ELA Standard: L.3.6

Core Standard

3rd grade is where a great mixture of things is going on that allow us to hyper accelerate the amount of new things that we teach children. In the 3rd grade the average students is between 8 and 9 years of age. This is a time in their lives where biological their brains are developing to allow them to think at higher levels and begin to solve problems. It is also a time where they can simply remember more information than they ever have before. This is a substantial change in their lives biologically which translates into being able to do more complex work. They can read longer words and remember them. It is also a time where they make huge strides in reading endurance compared to just a year ago. The worksheets below will help students learn 3rd grade level appropriate vocabulary words and help them get a concrete understanding of their use in the English language.