4th Grade Spelling Worksheets:
A Nautical Adventure -
Which word is spelled correctly? There are two closely lettered words for you to choose from.
Shun Words - See if you can
find the terms. Use the clues below to figure out the
word that ends in the shun (‐tion) sound. Write the word on the line.
Fried Words - Unscramble the
terms to make your spelling words. Then choose three
of them to use in a sentence and write out the complete sentence.
4th Grade Word Search
- There are 26 correctly‐spelled words hidden in the box below. Circle the correct terms. Then
write them on the lines provided.
Caring for the Environment
- Fix the sentences by spelling the underlined words. Read the sentences below. The underlined word in each sentence is misspelled. Spell it correctly on the
line provided.
Circle Practice
- Circle the words that are spelled correctly. Write the correct
spelling of the incorrectly-spelled terms on the line.
Word Find -
Find the words that complete the sentences. A cool way to work on this skill. Determine what word best fits and then find it the word search matrix.
The Spelling Bee
- Kim, Bill and Ryan are practicing to compete in the school spelling
bee. Read the terms they are thinking about and make any necessary
corrections on the lines.
Be the Teacher
- Correct the three spelling tests below. If a word is spelled incorrectly,
circle it, and write the correct spelling on the lines.
"Shun" Vocabulary
- Just like the previous puzzle, but a crossword instead. All the words except one end in -tion. Give it a go!
That's a Bad Sign...
- The signs below contain misspelled words. Identify the misspelled
word. Then write the correct spelling on the line below or beside
the sign.
A Postcard for
Santa - Tyler's little sister Wilma wrote a postcard for Santa,
but she misspelled quite a few terms. Help Tyler rewrite it for her,
using the lines provided below.
Where Do You Live?
- Read the clues below. Then write the correct word on the line.
Need help? Keep the hint above in mind!
ible | able Words
- Add the prefixes and/or suffixes to each bold word below to form
a new word. Then write the word and its meaning on the lines provided.
Follow the example.
What Spelling Skills Should 4th Graders Have?
At the 4th grade level students are on to more complex words when it comes to spelling. They have mastered compound words and are more focused on leaning in on the use of root words, prefixes, and suffixes to help them understand terms and spell well at the same time. They have a good feel for the foundational spelling rules, and they are focused on spotting and utilizing the exceptions to the rules. Students should be able to sound out words that follow phonetical spelling patterns. A normal 4th grade spelling curriculum will consist of 350 to 500 words. Some of the words will take them more time to master since this is the first time that they are coming across vocabulary that differs a good bit from the norm.
The History of Spelling Bees
You might have heard about the famous competition amongst young children called the spelling bee. This is a contest that is held worldwide. Many different countries conduct this spelling competition to boost cognitive growth in children. During the competition, children are asked to spell various words. There are different degrees for difficulty.
The spelling bee is a fairly old term that has been used for ages. The word bee itself has been used to depict some sort of gathering in which different people perform a single activity. However, nowadays the meaning of this word has been confused with something else. It is widely assumed that the bee in spelling bee refers to the insect. This is because there is a similarity between these types of human gathering and social behavior of a bee.
Scholars have completely defied this notion and suggest that this word has a meaning completely different from what was previously assumed. Evidence suggests that the word spelling bee was spotted in 1850. However, the official United States spelling bee competition was first held in the year 1925. It was arranged by the Courier-Journal, which was a local newspaper of Louisville, Kentucky. The winner of the first-ever competition was Frank Neuhauser. He was only eleven years old at that time. He received the award in Washington DC in 1925. Later on in 1941, the sponsorship of the spelling bee program was acquired by the Scripps Howard News Service. The competition was given the name of Scripps National Spelling Bee. Competitors came from all the 50 states of the United Nation. There were also some international competitors who came from Canada, New Zealand, Bahamas, and some European countries. With time, this competition gained much popularity and today, it is held in numerous countries around the world.