Sullivan's Fall – We learn new words from this underwater adventure.
Context Clues In Action – See if the other words give you a leg up on new words.
Find the Meaning – You are just worried about the underlined words.
Sentence Context – An either / or activity for you here.
Determining Meaning – This worksheet states the question in normal test form.
Using Context to Find Meaning – For each underlined word, use the context clues or words that surround it to find the meaning. Write it on the line.
Expand Your Vocabulary – A really neat matching activity based on a paragraph context.
Sentences for Context – Use a dictionary to help you. Write the correct word on the line.
Bold As It Can Be – Follow the form: Evelyn saved up her money and was eventually able to purchase a bicycle. Which word is a synonym for purchase?
Underliner – More A/B work for you.
Clue Me In – These sentences are a slight bit longer.
The Mouse and the Cheese – Underline the part of the sentence that helps you to figure out the meaning of the bold word.
Use the Sentence – This are the longest sentences in this section.
UFO Encounter – Medium size sentences here for you.
Just Dogging It – This will take some students minutes and other a half an hour.