Recycling – This is a very dynamic worksheet that will help you organize your writing.
Paragraphs – This is kind of like a Language Arts jigsaw puzzle.
Summer Fun – Janine is all over the place with her ideas. She if you can give her a hand.
The Bombay Cat – One thing is for sure, Phoebe loves her cats. She does some research to help prove it.
Is a Tiny House for You? – For a house to carry the title "Tiny", it has to be less than 200 square feet. It also has to have over 4 distinct rooms. Create a topic sentence and intro. paragraph for this body of work.
Introductory Paragraphs – An introductory paragraph tells the reader what your essay is about.
The Pyramids at Giza – Paul is preparing to write an essay about the pyramids at Giza. He has finished his research and suspects that his paper will be rather long.
Techniques – When writing introductory paragraphs, professional writers use five basic techniques to grab a reader's interest.
Grouping Thoughts Into Paragraphs – Sort the details into two paragraphs by writing the letters of each sentence in one of the boxes.
Writing Paragraphs – Decide which details could go together into a paragraph and put an X on the line next to those details.
Organizing Your Thoughts – Jim has been researching a famous artist, and has lots of notes. Help him to get started on his essay by using his notes to fill out the outline below.
On Education – : Below are three famous quotes about education. Choose a quote that you like. Pretend that you are going to write an essay that has the quote as its main idea.
Introducing... – Read each topic sentence. Then put a check mark next to the sentences that you think belong in the introductory paragraph.
Techniques for Writing Introductory Paragraphs – Read each opening below and identify which technique the author intends to use in the introductory paragraph.
Writing Introductory Paragraphs – Below are a main idea, and a short list of subjects to be covered in two essays.