Be the Grader - Read each sentence. If it is punctuated correctly, circle the check mark. If they are not used correctly, circle the X.
Mr. Dylan Takes a Dip! - Choose the sentence from each set that is punctuated correctly. This one has a large number of quotes and commas to work.
Use Your Words - Underline each speaker's words. Then rewrite the passage, adding quotation marks where necessary.
Direct Speech and Quotation Marks - Determine whether each sentence below contains direct or indirect speech. Write direct or indirect on the line.
Kim and Kevin at the Playground - Rewrite the dialogue in the speech bubbles below. Add commas and a series of quotes where they are needed.
Directed! - Read the story below. Underline direct speech. Then use a colored marker or colored pencil to add quotation marks and commas where needed.
Quote Me On This - Quotes are used around the titles of songs, poems, short stories, newspaper articles, and when referencing chapters in books.
In the Meadow - Rewrite the dialogue from the cartoon, using direct speech. Punctuate correctly.
Punch-uate-It - Rewrite the indirect speech as direct speech. Punctuate correctly. It will require you to say them aloud, at times.
Can I Quote You On That? - You use punctuation to indicate that you are quoting exactly what someone said.
Missing Marks - Add punctuation marks where needed in each sentence below. If the sentence is already punctuated correctly, place a check mark next to the sentence.
Correcting Sentences That Contain Direct Speech - Use commas, quotation marks, capital letters, or make any other changes necessary in order to rewrite the sentences correctly.
Big John and Little Joe - Copy each quote on the lines below. Be careful to add commas and quotation marks where they are needed.
Punctuation and Direct Speech - Read each sentence. If it is punctuated correctly, circle the smiley face. If they are not used correctly, circle the X.
Pencily Practice - Rewrite each sentence so that it uses direct speech. You will have to do a good bit of rewording here.