Is Global Warming Real? – Is this really still a valid question?
Research Plan – Get the "Sea of Information" piece?
Before You Move... – Time to find some sources to validate your point.
Plan Your Report – You should do this every time you want to write a report on anything.
Animal Kingdom – We look at the six most common sources.
Planning A Biography – Choose a famous person that interests you. Research that person's life.
Video Games – Can you learn important skills by playing video games? Or are video games bad for you?
Big Steps – Answer the first four questions. Conduct your research. Then answer the last question.
Made In... – Every day we use and purchase items without giving much thought to where they came from. Which country produces the most material goods?
Researching Careers – Deciding what career you want to have is a big decision. Different careers require different temperaments and different levels of education.
A Day in the Life – Choose one of the topics below. Circle it. Then fill out the worksheet.
Parenthood – Write an essay about what you think it will be like to be a parent. Your ideas should be supported by research.
Greek Myths – Choose one of the Greek Gods below and research them. Fill in the diagram. Then write a descriptive essay about the god you chose.
A Moment in Time – Think like a photojournalist. What kind of image would capture the event that you researched? Draw the image in the box.
Research Checklist – This one is great to laminate and keep around all the time.