What The Future Holds For Me! – This is the age old first grade time capsule project we all love.
The Colosseum – How has this Wonder of the World changed?
Shifting Time and Setting – Writing something that really makes the reader feel like they are in your shoes.
On The Sea – Where do you see time just kind of fade away.
Signal Shifts – We want vivid details and for you to draw on your prior knowledge and experience.
Shifting Time in a Narrative – The following passage has had all of its transition words/phrases removed. Fill in the blanks with the transition words/phrases in the Word Bank.
Time Changes – Just go with this one.
Cutting Grass, Circus, Bedroom, and Classroom – Weave the following events and locations into a story that takes place over the course of a week.
A Little Scary – The following passage has had all of its transition words/phrases removed. On a separate page, rewrite the paragraph using the transition words/phrases in the Word Bank.
George's House – Research what it was like when George Washington lived there, and what it is like for tourists today.
A Girl and Her Dog – Use a variety of transition words, phrases, and clauses to convey sequence and signal shifts from one time frame or setting to another.
Mom and Dad Grew Up? – Where did your mother or father grow up? How were things different then than they are for kids today?
Looking into the Future – Think about your life right now. Now imagine what your life will be like in the future.
Leaning Tower... – Today, many people visit the Leaning Tower of Pisa in Italy.
My House – Describe your house. Now imagine that everyone on earth disappears and there is no one there to live in and take care of your house anymore.
The Fire – For each numbered sentence in the story, state whether there is a time shift or a setting shift.
Bloody Battles – Today, the battlefields are a sort of museum where people from all over the country come to contemplate that time in American history.
On Saturday... – Explain in detail what you do on a typical Saturday.