A Persuasive Paragraph – You will need a topic that you have thought a lot about.
Propaganda – We look at the different types of selling points and forms.
Make it Sell! – Adjectives really can change everything.
The Slogan – You'll need one for one of seven of your favorite topics.
Be Persuasive! – Make your argument solid as a rock.
Vote For Me! – How do you convince someone who knows nothing about you that you deserve their vote?
Why Can't You See It My Way? – You will need to compose one really solid sentence and transform it into a paragraph.
Sales as Argument – The more people that know that a product is available, the more likely the product is to sell, and become popular.
What is Propaganda? – Read the sentences. Identify which propaganda technique is being used.
Making an Argument – Writers sometimes try to convince or persuade others to believe a certain thing or to take some particular action.
Writing Slogans – A slogan is a short, striking or memorable phrase used in advertising.
Marketing It – Write five sentences. Use one of the propaganda techniques in each sentence.
Running For Office: Selling Yourself – M Imagine you are running for office. What position would you like to hold?
Writing Slogans – Think of something that you think would make the world a better place.
Using Arguments for Sales – Pretend you are a marketing professional. Write sentences to sell a product.
The Art of Persuasion – Writers sometimes try to convince or persuade others to believe a certain thing or to take some particular action.
More Propaganda – Practice your persuasive writing skills by using one of the techniques of propaganda.
Make it Irresistible! – Think of a favorite product that you use, or imagine a product you would like to invent.
A Slogan Is an Argument – Create a commercial. Select one of the topics.
Introducing an Argument – Read the following pointers, and then try writing a persuasive paragraph of your own.
The Slogan – Design ads to catch people's attention, and to make them think certain things about the candidate and his or her opponent.
Making an Argument in Writing – Read the following pointers. Fill out the organizer.
Convincing Customers – Advertising has a lot to do with the popularity of products.
Use the Techniques of Propaganda – It means to put out information, sometimes of a biased nature, in order to promote or publicize a particular cause or point of view.
Make It – List reasons and facts to support your argument.
Writing Lingo – Select one of the topics below. Write a slogan to convince people to do whatever it is that you chose.
Using Propaganda in an Argument – Choose something that you want to convince your readers to do; believe a certain thing, vote a certain way, or buy a certain product, etc.
Making a Case for Votes! – The words, pictures and music are carefully chosen. A slogan may also be used to help people remember the candidate's name.
Slogans for Change – Think of something that you think would improve your school.
Using Arguments for Sales – Companies trying to sell their products also use propaganda techniques.