Book vs. Movie – There are a lot of ways you can interpret this one.
Appealing to the Senses – Which Medium makes you feel more?
Translating Books to Movies – Until you actually try to do this yourself, you will never realize how hard this actually is.
Critical Thinking: Book/Movie Comparison – You will need to put your brain to the wire for this one.
Reading Poetry – Poems can have some deep meaning for the reader.
Book/Movie Comparison – Fill in the comparison chart and answer the questions with detailed explanations.
Read the Book or Watch the Movie – You have read the book and seen the movie: Now think about each one. Answer the questions using details from the book or the movie.
Translating Books to Radio – Before there was television, many people listened to dramas on the radio. We often forgot about that era.
Poetry: Reading and Listening – Reading a poem to yourself is not the same experience as listening to someone read a poem aloud.
Reading/Seeing Plays – You have read the play and seen the play: Now think about each one. Answer the questions using details from each experience.
Comparing the Book to the Movie – Compare and contrast the two versions. Then, on a separate sheet of paper, write a paragraph about which version you prefer and why.
Video Time – We prefer to use this with DVDs or streaming media.
Comparing Mediums – As you read/listen, think carefully about how each medium appeals to your senses and how.
Books and Audiobooks – As technology has made portable electronics more and more popular, more and more people are choosing to listen to books, rather than read them themselves.
Appealing to the Senses 2 – Fill out the organizer below, referring to specific details from the book/play or movie/performance.