Talking about Technology - Should robots just run everything? What are they missing? It is all about writing in one sitting and done.
Writing In Stages - This is a great process to get yourself in. This is a three day writing project. Choose one of the pictures below as inspiration for a story.
Writing in a Single Session - Choose between the topic of privacy and homeschooling and write a piece in one sitting that fully answers the questions that you are presented with.
Prewriting Worksheet - See if you can bring yourself to use this sheets often and always. Think of a significant event in your life, and write one sentence that summarizes the experience.
Research | Reflection | Revision - Who has a past that you deeply admire? Choose someone that is no longer living who interests you or that you admire. You will be researching that person and writing their biography. The biography should be at least two typed pages long.
An Exploration of Poetry - There are many ways to write a poem. This might be a new form for you. m. Depending on how you use language, you can say exactly what you mean, in as many or as few lines so as you like, or you can NOT say exactly what you mean at all, but only hint at it using image words and sound words to create pictures or feelings in the reader.
What Happened? - Imagine that you arrive home to find that there has been a fire at your house while you have been at school and your parents have been at work.
Dear Principal, - If you could change one thing about your school, what would it be? Would you abolish homework? Increase the lunch period? Shorten the school day? Think about how what you want to change would affect the student body, both in the present and in the future.
What Makes Good Parents? - People can be very, very different from one another, and there are all kinds of ways to be a good parent. What qualities do you think make a good parent? Of those qualities, which are non‐negotiable, and which are optional, nice to have qualities?
Hand To The Face Prompt - Describe what you think is happening in this picture. This guy is not having such a great day. Tell us all about it.
Creativity Prompts - Are order and creativity mutually exclusive? Are creative people naturally messy? Does neatness stunt creativity? Explain your position on the topic.
Mapping Family Constellations - For this project you will be creating a description of the constellations within your family, and compiling them into a booklet.
Read | Reflect | Write - The world has changed an enormous amount in the last 50 years. Think about it, then do a little research to help give both the prompt and your thoughts some context. Use what you learned from your research to answer the prompt.
Using History as a Setting - Conduct whatever research you feel is necessary. Then write at least one full page answering the prompt.
Rock On - Picture Prompt - Describe what you think is happening in this picture. This is a picture of a concert scene.