Ethos, Pathos, and Logos Worksheets

Related ELA Standard: SL.9-10.1

Core Standard

These are simple three different ways to appeal to your respective audience in order to persuade them to catch on to your way of thinking. In Greek times they referred to them as the three modes of rhetoric. They all take a slightly different avenue to push the audience towards siding with your thoughts. Ethos stresses a sense of authority over the audience. They focus on what we today would call a tried a true branding message which is all about reputation, virtue, and previous qualification. Pathos is an emotional driven form of persuasion where the author pushes for a great deal of empathy. Advertisers have long used this type of messaging to connect with donors for foundations of worthy causes such as rescuing animals or children's hospitals. Logos is more academic focused where the appeal is pushing towards the audience's logic. These messages are often accompanied with cold hard facts like data, graphs, or charts. This collection of worksheets explores all the different forms of persuasion that authors use and we center on which to use when in your own writing.