Sweet Frog – Pass out questions to the students. Question sheets should remain face-down on their desks while you read the text aloud to students.
QUESTIONS: Sweet Frog – Circle the correct answer.
A Day at the Beach – When you are finished, ask students to turn their questions sheets over and answer the questions.
QUESTIONS: A Day at the Beach – These are mostly fill in questions.
A Summer Job – It was the end of the school year, and all of Corey's friends were going to be busy for the summer.
QUESTIONS: A Summer Job – This one is all about suggestions.
A Bad Idea – Meghan was in the first grade. Meghan enjoyed school, except for one thing-she was not a good speller.
QUESTIONS: A Bad Idea – What does Meghan's mother help Meghan with every day?
The Silly Armadillo – Willie the armadillo lived in a small zoo. Wille was the only armadillo in the zoo. He was also the only very small animal.
QUESTIONS: The Silly Armadillo – Willie did not attract as much attention as the bigger animals.
The Missing Kitten – Gina had a little black kitten named Mal. Mal was very sweet and good natured and patient. She was also very curious.
QUESTIONS: The Missing Kitten – Who did Gina ask about her missing kitten? Check all that apply.
The Worst Day Ever – From time to time, everyone has a day where it seems like everything goes wrong. One Tuesday morning. Hank woke up into this kind of day.
QUESTIONS: The Worst Day Ever – Which of the following does NOT happen to Hank in the morning?
Velociraptors: Myths vs. Reality – You probably know them as the clever and deadly, man-size predators in the Jurassic Park movies. But did you know that the real velociraptors that lived during the Cretaceous period were nothing like how they have commonly been portrayed in the movies?
QUESTIONS: Velociraptors: Myths vs. Reality – Read each statement. Is it myth or is there scientific evidence to support it? Write "myth" or "reality" next to each statement.
Stan Lee: A Timely Change – Stan Lee's career in comic books began in the 1940s when he was 17 years old. He first worked as an office assistant for Timely Comics.
QUESTIONS: Stan Lee: A Timely Change – Match the beginning of each sentence to the correct ending.
The Bake Sale – The Mitchell Elementary School chorus needed to make some money-fast-if they were going to be able to travel to the state choral competition.
QUESTIONS: The Bake Sale – Which idea for raising money was not acted upon?
Big Mouth – Frank's mouth was always getting him into trouble. The problem was, he didn’t seem to know when to keep it closed!
QUESTIONS: Big Mouth – Match each character's name with what Frank observed them doing in school.
The Importance of STEM – The acronym STEM stands for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. There are an increasing number of jobs available in STEM fields.
QUESTIONS: The Importance of STEM – Which of the following qualities do successful STEM students NOT need to have?
Our Modern Food System – The term food system refers to the interaction of activities having to do with producing, processing, transporting, obtaining, and eating food.
QUESTIONS: Our Modern Food System – Circle all of the items below that our food system impacts.
Types of Clouds – A cloud is made up of very small drops of water or ice crystals that are light enough to float in the air.
QUESTIONS: Types of Clouds – The shapes of clouds change because they are moved around how?
J.K. Rowling and Harry Potter – The English writer J.K Rowling was born in 1965. Her first book, written when she was six years old, was about a rabbit with the measles, and she asked her mother to "get it published".
QUESTIONS: J.K. Rowling and Harry Potter – Why did Rowling feature Sean's beat-up Ford Anglia as the Weasley’s flying car in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets?
Listen with Your Whole Body! - We focus on the uses of your sense organs.
How to Listen - Complete each sentence. Draw a picture of each body part.
Good Habits - We describe posture and communication techniques and you tell us if they are good or bad habit.
Quick Research - You may need to do a few searches to answer these. Example: It is said that we only remember about 20% of what we hear. Why?
What's He Thinking? - Examine this picture and see if the boy has put himself in position to communicate effectively.
Picture That - We give you a body language scenario and ask you to draw it.
How to Do It - We look at different qualities to make sure you are communicating effectively.
What Do You Hear? - Your teacher will make three distinct sounds. You will be asked to draw a picture of what you heard in a box.
Four Sounds - We change this activity up a bit.
Following Instructions - Tell the students they will practice listening and following instructions. Tell them that you will read each instruction twice.
Practice - We work on the base skill of following simple vocal instructions with students.
Object Descriptions - Circle the object whose name you hear the teacher read.
Letter Sounds - Say the name of each picture. Do you hear the letter at the beginning of the name or the end?
Working With Distractions - You will follow verbal directions while working with distracting images.
Spot the Dinosaur - This will include some coloring and drawing.