Overnight Insect... - What if you woke up one morning to find that you had turned into an insect overnight?
Friendly Shark - Where did this shark come from? Why is he so friendly with the fish? Who is the crab angry with? Why?
Create Your Own Story - What do you do when your cat talks for the first time? We give more background to work with here.
Naughty Cat - Your cat refuses to have anything to do with you or the rest of your family. He decides to strike out on his own.
The Three-Eyed Monster - Imagine that a family of bowling pins is being terrorized by a big, red, round monster with three eyes.
The Wizard and the Witch - Elissa is the daughter of a witch and a wizard. She is too young to go to wizarding school, and she is not allowed to handle a wand.
Unicorns? - When they are alone, the unicorn begins to talk. He thanks Elissa for saving him. In the alternate universe he came from, he was being held prisoner by an evil wizard who is trying to take over his world.
Pet Octopus - Imagine that you have a pet octopus. He is a very kind and friendly octopus, but you have to keep him a secret.
A Visit to the Future - In the space below, draw a futuristic city. Draw at least one of the inhabitants of your futuristic city. Then add to the scene one object or being that has appeared in this city from hundreds of years in the past.
Barry the Caterpillar - Barry the caterpillar ate and ate and ate all spring. He couldn’t wait to turn into a butterfly! One by one, all of the other caterpillars wrapped themselves up into cocoons for their transformation, but not Barry.
On the Ground - Imagine that you are getting ready for bed one night and when you look out of your bedroom window to see a tiny sloth sleeping on a branch. The little sloth rolls over in his sleep and falls to the ground.
Superpowers - Imagine that you suddenly have superpowers. What kind of powers do you have and how did you get them?
Kangaroo Gots No Ups! - Write a story about a kangaroo who can't hop. What does he do? How does he find a way to fit in with the other kangaroos?
Planet Gork - This alien is from the planet Gork. The Gorkians are planning to invade the planet Rumble. Why do they want to invade?
The Story of Lily - Lily went out hiking with a small group of people. When she stopped to tie her shoe, she saw an unusual beetle, and followed it for a few minutes.
Cat and Mouse - Look at the pictures. What is going on between the cat and the mouse? Write the story.
A Virtual Adventure - In the space below, draw the setting for a video game. Is the setting indoors or outdoors? What is the object of the game? How is the object of the game reflected in the setting?