Say it with a Simile - Finish up all the sentences that you start with. Using the prompts below, finish each sentence, using a comparison of your choice.
Describing People with Metaphors and Similes - The distinction here is very subtle in many instances. Read these statements and classify each sentence that you come across.
Understanding Similes - Match the similes to the meanings. I would also encourage students to highlight or underline where the comparison is in the sentence.
What Do They Mean By That? - You will find a ton of famous similes here. They were all written by very famous writers. Underline of them in the sentences. Then, underneath the sentence, write what you think it means.
Using Metaphors to Express Complex Ideas - Some writers are great at taking abstract ideas and making them easy for their readers to grasp. The famous playwright William Shakespeare was brilliant at portraying complex ideas using this technique. Let's see how he does it.
That Reminds Me Of Something I Ate Once... - Read each sentence. On the lines, write the two objects that are being compared.
Metaphor | Simile - Read each sentence below. Is it a metaphor (M) or a simile (S)? Write M or S in the box.
Lemons and Oranges - Cross out the word like or as in each simile. Then rewrite each simile as a metaphor.
The Poem as Metaphor - Poets often use metaphors in poetry. Sometimes a whole poem is written, expanding on a single metaphor. Read the poem. Then answer the questions.
Understanding Metaphors - Read each sentence. Then name the person, place or thing in the sentence that is being compared to the metaphor in bold.
Using Similes to Paint with Words - Write a simile to complete each sentence.
Writing Similes - Look around the classroom. Choose five objects. Write the name of each object on one of the lines below.
Halloween Similes - Have a class contest for Halloween. Who can come up with the spookiest similes? Fill in the blanks below.
Hard Times - Read the paragraphs, which are rich in simile and metaphor. Underline the metaphors and circle the similes.
The Power of Simile - You can use a simile to express powerful feelings. The quote above by Cicero is a perfect example.