You Are What You Eat – A really thought provoking worksheet for students.
Developing a Research Plan – Let's look at all the tools you have at your disposal.
Your Road Map to Successful Research! – I find a lot of students holding on to this one, even as they progress grades.
Horsing Around – Here is how to zero in on the perfect research topic set.
Animal Kingdom – We ask you a bunch of questions. Make sure to answer all of them.
Planning A Biography – Choose a famous person that interests you. Research that person's life.
Art and Government – Do you think that the government should give money to artists?
Fair Winds and Following Seas – The quotation above is a nautical phrase used to wish sailors good luck on a journey.
Brainstorms – On the back of this sheet, brainstorm a list of words and ideas related to your report. Which one interests you the most?
What's in a Profession? – Different careers require different temperaments and different levels of education.
Look Before You Leap! – Do you have a great idea for your report? Before you dive in, think through the questions below to set yourself up for success!
Navigating the Research Waters – Writing a report can be a long journey; use this checklist to make sure your project sails along smoothly.
Get Ready to Write! – On the back of this sheet, brainstorm a list of words and ideas related to your report.
Your Research Project! – Before beginning to write your report, you should have a firm understanding of your intended audience.
Research Checklist – Things you need to check before submitting any report you may have.