Writing For Endurance Worksheets
Related ELA Standard: W.4.10
When we write lengthy bodies of work, we often forget that the goal of any written work is to justify our central thesis. Young writers get accustomed to add unnecessary details and anecdotes to make their writing meet minimum standards of length. Whenever you begin to work on a large project, start by outlining everything you want to cover. Add extra length by adding more substance to assert a positive position for your argument. These worksheets help you tackle the planning and execution of larger bodies of writing.
Writing For Endurance Worksheets:
Writing Step By Step – You are
given a picture and asked to tell what has happened and will happen
in the scene.
Off the Top of Your Head...
– The funny thing I find is that introverted students almost always
choose the family topic. Outgoing students go for the embarrassment
Earn Your Poetic License
– There are many different types of poetry. Some of them have very
strict rules about what makes them the type they are. Others have
no rules at all!
Tell Me About Yourself
– Choose one of the writing prompts below. Write several paragraphs
to answer the prompt.
Tall Tales –
A tall tale is a story with unbelievable elements, that is told as
if it were true and factual.
Creature Feature
– In the box, draw an imaginary creature. Then write a paragraph
about it. What does it do?
My Family –
Identify between 5 to 10 family members that you would like to hear
stories from.
– We have all pondered these topics at some point in our lives.
Free to a Good Home
– Pretend that you and your family are moving, and you cannot take
your beloved dog with you. Write 2 paragraphs.
Tips for Increasing Your Writing Endurance
Here are some tips for increasing your writing endurance.
Prepare Your Facts in Advance
If you want to speed up your writing, then it is best to prepare your facts in advance. Get a structure in your head along with the information that you will be writing. Focus on it so that you do not forget it while writing. This is because thinking and writing can be a long process that will waste your writing time. It is best to keep everything sorted in your head before you start to write.
Avoid Distractions
One of the biggest reasons why people have less writing endurance is that they get distracted easily. After they have written a line or two, they will move onto something else. They will find something else to put their focus on. In order to get yourself out of such situations, it is best to avoid distractions. This means that you should keep your phone aside. Also, try to find a calm and peaceful place to write where no outer distractions could ruin your inner pace for writing. Turn off the TV and keep yourself far away from social media. In short, eliminate all distractions to build an unbeatable writing endurance.
Just Write
Most of the times people tend to waste their time thinking about what they should be writing. They take too much time to think. In exams as well, students keep on thinking if their answer is right or not. Some even make their sentence structure in their heads before writing. This wastes so much time. One of the best tips is to just start writing. You will be surprised to know how much you can get done by just writing non-stop.