Kinds of Sentences – You are asked to think critically when writing these sentences.
Recognizing Verb Moods – Are the verbs indicative, subjunctive, or imperative?
Subjunctive | Conditional – A really short grammar cloze activity.
What Kind Of Mood Are You In? – The title of the worksheet, basically, says it all.
Using Subjunctive and Conditional Moods – Complete the sentence and then indicate the mood of the sentence.
Practice: Verbs and Moods – Underline the verbs. On the lines, fill in the mood and tense of the verb.
A Little Foggy Yet – More work on verb identification.
What's the Mood? – Which mood are the following sentences written in?
Identifying Kinds of Sentences – You are asked to write two original forms of a sentence.
Sentence Types – Label them: declarative, exclamatory, or interrogative.
Verbs Indicate the Mood of a Sentence – A little multiple choice always works well here.
Writing: Verb and Moods – Write an original sentence to demonstrate your understanding of each of the verb moods below.
Understanding Verb Moods – Create related sentences as directed by changing the mood of the verb.
Changing Verb Moods – Take these moods to the next level.
Four Kinds of Sentences – Short sentences are great to hammer this skill home.