Basic Animal Nouns - Which term would best complete the sentence? You have to choose between three different spellings for groups of animals.
At the Beach - Write a noun from what you see to complete a sentence. All of these sentences relate to things you could possibly expect to see at the beach.
Fun Nouns - A fun cut and paste activity. Cut and paste a star by the words that only need a "s" added, a heart by the words that need an "es" added, and a sunshine image by the words that need an "ies" added to make it plural.
Have Fun with the Animals - This is where we all forget the proper spellings. You will hand write them on the lines.
Determining Ones and More Than Ones - We give you a visual prompt to help you answer these. You will need a green and blue marker to help you with this worksheet.
Making It Into More - Write the plural noun to complete the sentences. You are given the term in singular form as a prompt.
Identification Activity - Circle the correctly spelled terms. We cover a wide range of words.
Getting Dressed - If the noun is in its plural form write the singular form, if you find it in the direction, do the opposite of that.
Sorting Items - Cut and paste the circles in the column that is the correct way to write the word as a plural.
The Great Outdoors - You are giving a wide range of items and all of the terms that are provided to describe them need to be changed to describe a group of them.
One to Many - Correctly write the plural form of the following words. You are provided with pictures.
Making Groups In Sentences - You are given sentences with a missing word. Use the prompt to help you along.
Make it Colorful - Color in the circles as instructed to form plural nouns. This would be based on how the word should be transitioned.
Playful With It - Circle the correct spelling of the plural form for each of the following nouns.
Picking the Correct One - Mark the correct way that this series of words can be used to describe a group. Use pictures as much as possible.